Saturday, February 2, 2008

Two headed cat or more Photo Booth?

Photo Booth still entertains my kids every weekend! If I leave my computer on the kitchen table, there are more pictures in my Photo Booth file by Monday morning...

Mark Anderson showed an Arlington English teacher a very cool place on the internet to create student portfolio's. It works much the same way as our Urban Planet websites because it is created by the same company.

The English teacher here at Arlington has each of her students entering their papers that meet the English curriculum standards, as well as resumes, links they use often and a biography of themselves, including pictures. It is very cool and the students are inspired and editing carefully because they understand how it may become public.

Go to the website:

Click on gallery and see the examples. It will inspire you and your students will love it!


Linda said...

Thanks for sharing efolio. I've heard about it and wondered. It looks like a great tool. Linda

Linda said...

Thanks for the informative presentation at Como last week. I can't wait to try out your tips. Linda

Leslie Yoder said...

So cool that you have folks using efolio. Do you know that all MN students (and adults) have access to it?
