Monday, October 1, 2007

Still Frustrated

I have once again spent an hour just trying to log in to post a blog entry. This is getting ridiculous. Why can't I simply sign in without going through a million attempts! I want to go to my blog, sign in and post a blog. Instead, I am signing in and getting the page to enter new blogs, I sign out and get prompts for google accounts. I go to bloglines and there is nothing after spending an hour entering junk in there..... I will not use this with students until it is streamlined and postings are not soooooooooooooo difficult. What's the freaking deal???????


L. M. Peifer said...

That sounds very frustrating! When you enter your address in the http section, doesn't it bring you directly to your blog? Then, you should just be able to log in. Once you log in, you should be able to create a new post by clicking on that or you can go to the dashboard and that gives you other options if you want to change things or edit posts you have already written. If it doesn't let you log in after you enter your address, there has to be a glitch in the system--and then you are right, it would be too difficult to use with students. Hope it gets easier!

M. Ruth said...

The signing in and out is the problem. Last night I wondered if it mattered whether I signed out before leaving the blog. I've never done that and will give it a try. Thanks for the advise!